Resource Corner
If you have your own Resource you'd like to share, email me and you can be featured in our newsletter!
Email your resource: [email protected]
March 2022 -- Lauren Tucker (President)
Innovative Special Education Technology (ISET)
I am also a member of CEC ISET and there are many resources on their website. They have sections called Pick of the Week and Tips from the Field. Many different technology tools are highlighted with classroom implementation examples and resources. Check it out!
April 2022 -- Kim Bean (Past President)
National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP)
Here is a great resource if you are looking Evidence Based Practice for individuals with ASD. This database can be used as a tool to find relevant research conducted on evidence-based practices, domains, and specific age groups for individuals with ASD! Check it out and have fun "filtering"
May 2022 -- Ashley Plumb
Ashley’s go-to resources for evidence-based practices in early childhood settings include:
Evidence-Based Instructional Practices for Young Children with Autism & Other Disabilities
FBSApp - Understanding Behavior…;
Based on the work of early childhood special education researchers at Vanderbilt University.